Business House Tennis Competition


START DATE:                 MONDAY 3RD MARCH  – 7TH APRIL 2025

DURATION:                    6 WEEKS

TIME:                              6.30 pm – 8.30 pm Be there earlier to warm-up


HOW TO ENTER:  Complete the attached Entry Form and return no later than: 28th February


All matches played at:  COCKLE BAY TENNIS CLUB, Meadowlands Drive, Cockle Bay

TEAM ELIGIBILITY:                                                                 ENTRY FEE:

*  From any organisation, group or club                        * $400.00 [Include GST] /team

*  Team can include both men & women                       * A light snack is included and bar open

*  All 4 persons teams (can register 8 players)                         

*  All players must be of a good standard.                   

* FULL Payment must be paid prior to commencement of competition.


*  Each side to nominate 2 doubles combinations before play commences.  Players are to remain in those combinations for the duration of that contest.

*  Each contest consists of doubles [followed by reverse doubles].  2 Points/win.

*  In the event of a 2.2 tie, a count-back of games will determine the bonus point allocation.  If games are tied, bonus points are shared.

*  All matches to be the first to 8 games with a tiebreaker at 7-7.  Sudden death deuce.

*  All matches are to be self-umpired.

*  Team defaults not registered before 12 noon on the day of play will incur a 2 point penalty.